Anishinaabek Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party logo

photo courtesy of Heye Jensen


 Call to Action!

Participate in Natural Resources Commission meetings The NRC sets policy for wildlife. It has the exclusive authority to regulate hunting and fishing. Seven members are nominated by the governor with the advice and consent of the Michigan Senate for 4-year terms. There are currently (Mar. 2021) two positions open. For more information see this presentation

The Michigan Senate is pressuring state wildlife managers to open up a hunting season on gray wolves after last-minute Trump administration removal from the federal Endangered Species Act. Send a message to the Michigan Natural Resources Commission urging them to resist political pressure for a wolf hunting season and to remain committed to updating the Michigan Wolf Management Plan and getting public input before making any significant changes.

Write to your State Representatives and Senators to protect wolves in Michigan

 Write to your  Federal Representatives and Senators to re-list wolves in the Endangered Species Act

Talking points